JoodjHonors #FIERCEfemales! March 08 2015
We're into the third month since the year turned and our retail presence in the global market is growing in leaps and bounds. We've recently launched on BitDazzle and Jumia Kenya, we've garnered major street buzz, and the excitement in the media and blogosphere is virtually contagious! We've taken a stand for Women and Girls by joining the fight against social and moral injustices such as FGM, Childhood Marriage and Institutionalized Rape through our 'LifeSTYLE With A Conscience' campaign. AND -- We've captured the hearts, minds and wardrobes of fashionistas all over the world with our #FIERCE flaghip collection of JOODJ Clips, Cuffs and Bibs!
March 8th is International Women's Day! And what better way to celebrate than by giving honor where it is due -- To an incomparable group of women that #MakeItHappen everyday by living fiercely!
I recently hosted the inaugural JOODJHonors #FIERCEfemales Academy in my home town, Nairobi - Kenya. The intimate gathering held at the prestigious Zen Garden brought 20 incomparable women together for a night of recognition and celebration of their commitment to Living Fiercely and on Purpose. It was a very special opportunity for me to acknowledge the Courage, Conviction and Compassion with which each of the honorees pursue life. I encouraged them to continue to 'Channel their Inner FIERCE - to continue to embrace the passion, boldness, tenacity, strength, determination, commitment, grace, generosity of spirit and power that armors and equips them to show up each day in their unique and individual callings for the greater good.
To the 2015 #FIERCEfemale Academy of Honorees:
Connie Aluoch, Sharon Mundia, Annabel Onyango, Ann McCreath, Ajuma Nasenyana, Ogake Ogake Mochache, Jane Mukami, Suzie Wokabi, Diana Opoti, Dorothy Ghettuba, Carole Mandi, Somoina Kwikiriza, Renee Ngamau,Kambua Mathu, Olive Gachara, Kui L Irungu, Janet Wamuni Mbugua, VictoriaRubadiri, Kahaki Muindi and Irene Koki Mutungi --> We Honor You!!
Thank you for your Courage, Convection and Compassion AND for gracing the 2015 #JOODJHonorsFIERCEfemales Academy. Check out the video for some highlights from the gathering!
We continue to appreciate the amazing commitment fashionistas all over the globe are making to the JOODJ LifeSTYLE. With your support, we are poised to disrupt the fashion industry with our innovative, signature, versatile offerings that will continue to inspire, empower and transform lives!
So set the new month off to a great start... Channel Your Inner Fierce TODAY---> JOODJ Up, Tell us your story, Stalk us on social media and Spread the word!
Light, Love and Immeasurable Blessings ~ Múkami (CEO & Founder, JOODJ)